Solazone shop in Davao: (082) 315 4858

Cell phone: 09673567456

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Solar street lights for shaded areas

In some cases, clients ask for solar street lights to light up shaded areas.  Obviously, solar panels need sunlight to charge the batteries, so in these cases, we locate the solar panels all together on a suitable building and run 240-volt solar power to the lights from a central battery source.

These same LED lights can also be installed to run from grid power if there is no suitable sunny spot available.


Recently installed LED streetlights


Streetlight pole is sturdy and stiff. The light works all night


 Reliable and safe, these lights run from dusk to dawn every night.

 solar panels that power the row of street lights

Solar panels for streetlights installed at Mati in 2012


Row of solar street lights under trees.

A row of 10 solar streetlights installed under big shade trees Mati College 2012


Batteries and inverter for solar street lights
how we did it then - Batteries and inverter for solar street lights in 2012


Just ask us to quote on what you need. 

Solazone shop in Davao: (082) 315 4858

Cell phone: 09673567456

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