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Ozone pool systems

The Ozone Advantage.

Ozone is often referred to as Nature’s Cleaner: it is the most effective disinfecting agent commercially available. Ozone is widely used in Europe and North America to sanitize air and water. It is environmentally friendly and economically efficient. Ozone greatly diminishes the need for alternative chemical sanitizers, like chlorine, and in many applications reduces water consumption needs. In the case of cooling towers, for example, ozonating your system can save thousands of litres of water per day because of fewer “blowdowns”.

Unfortunately, obtaining reliable and cost-effective ozone systems in Australia has not been easy – until now. Over the past ten years research and development conducted by Ozone1 has made possible affordable, efficient and easy to use ozonation systems for water sanitation and air purification. Our products incorporate a corona discharge reactor – as opposed to UV lights – thus ensuring reliable, consistent and cost-effective ozone levels


OzoneSwim water sanitation systems for swimming pools, spas and water features

The solution for clean, hygienic water without the smell and irritation caused by high levels of chlorine is crystal clear – it’s ozone!

Ozone has been used for nearly a century in Europe and the USA to sanitise and purify water. In southern California, for example, ozone has blanket approval for all aqueous applications. Now it can be used safely and cost effectively to keep your pool, spa or water feature clean and healthy.

Ozone1’s OzoneSwim product line combines the benefits of salt water chlorination with the power of ozone to create the ultimate in soft, sanitary and odour free water. OzoneSwim products are the ideal solution for customers that want high quality water while at the same time would like to reduce their reliance on chemical additives.

OzoneSwim is the ideal solution for treating pools, spas and water features because it:

  • Disinfects by rapidly killing all types of bacteria, fungi, viruses and cysts
  • Breaks down dissolved impurities such as oils and organic wastes
  • Improves filtration of suspended solids 


The Ozone Swim Advantage

Ozone Swim Commercial Pool Sanitation Systems are a proven and effective complement to chlorine and other chemical based systems to disinfect your swimming pools. Ozone in combination with chlorine is known as the Dynamic Duo - a powerful oxidizing combitation.

The primary advantage of Ozone Swim sanitation systems is that Ozone significantly reduces the formation of chlorine by products, notably chloramines and trialomethanes. These by products are readily apparent in indoor environments because they can create a strong smell, but occur in outdoor pools as well. Monitored trials have shown chloramines levels dropping to .08. Because of the reduction in chlorine by products, there will be fewer complaints about red eyes, dry, itchy skin and respiratory ailments. Ozone also oxidises oils and other contaminants within the water.

Ozone Swim systems are easily customised to suit bather load, temperature,turnover rate and primary disinfection method.

About Ozone.

Most of us have heard about ozone but only know it as the layer in the upper atmosphere that protects the Earth from harmful radiation.

Ozone is triatomic oxygen (O3). It is made both commercially and naturally by a high voltage electrical discharge process which converts oxygen (O2) into ozone. For instance, it is ozone that gives the distinctly fresh odour you can smell after an electrical thunderstorm. In fact, the name ozone is derived from the Greek word “ozein”, which means “to smell”, in recognition of its unique odour. Man-made ozone simply mimics nature’s manufacture in devices known as corona discharge reactors.

Discovered in the 1840s and used commercially in water treatment for over 100 years, ozone is a very reactive gaseous compound that rapidly breaks down most organic molecules while quickly killing most single cell micro-organisms. In fact, ozone is the most effective disinfecting agent commercially available. Ozone also has a very short half-life, with simple oxygen as its decomposition or reaction product. Indeed, ozone is often referred to as “Nature’s Cleaner” because its use will not result in the formation of other environmentally persistent and toxic chemicals, such as the formation of chlorinated hydrocarbons seen with the use of chlorine.

For these reasons, ozone is now commonly used in lieu of chlorine and other chemical additives for water sanitisation and air purification in the following industries:

  • Cooling towers for sanitation, corrosion control and scale control
  • Swimming pools, spas and water features for disinfection
  • Municipal/industrial waste water for disinfection, odour control and water reclamation
  • Food processing for wash water and cold storage sanitation
  • Potable water for disinfection and organic oxidation
  • Pulp and paper products for bleaching and waste treatment
  • Fish hatcheries/aquaculture for disinfection



Ozone swim 1200i Series



Designed to reduce chlorine levels by 80%, works in conjunction with existing Salt Chlorinators, Chemical dosing system and tablet feeders.  It is also suitable for water features.

Incorporates a patented corona discharge Ozone cell, and comes complete with injector manifold.


Ozone Pool Sanitising Systems
Ozone swim 1200i Series - up to 1.6 g/hour
Pools up to 80,000 litres 
Ozone swim 1200iT Series - up to 3.0 g/hour Pools up to 100,000 litres
Ozone swim 1200i Series is also available with buit-in timeclock




Ozone swim 1000, 2000 and 3000 Series

These units are designed to replace existing on-site chlorination system. They have the benefit of both Salt Chorination and Ozone, to produce soft, odour free, crystal clear water.

Significantly reduced chlorine levels to 0.5ppm. Comes complete with injector manifold.


Ozone Pool Sanitising Systems with Salt Chlorinator
Ozone Swim model
1000 series

 2000 series

3000 series
Max pool volume 60,000 litres  120,000 litres 150,000 litres
Ozone Output up to 1.2g/hour up to 1.2g/hour up to 1.2g/hour
Chlorine Output 10AMP auto Reverse Polarity Cell 20AMP auto Reverse Polarity Cell 30AMP auto Reverse Polarity Cell


Solazone shop in Davao: (082) 315 4858

Cell phone: 09673567456

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