Solar Air Ventilation & Cooling Fans can be used to remove the heat from hot kitchens, living areas, chicken farms, office areas, or anywhere

- Powerful home heat extraction and roof space ventilation without electricity bills or carbon emissions
- Solar-powered kitchen exhaust fan - No Running cost - Increased comfort - Hundreds of pesos in savings
- Makes the kitchen workspace bearable to work in
- Reduce Air Conditioning and Cooling costs
Solar Air Ventilation & Cooling Fans
Replace the use of your air-conditioning system with Alternative Energy

The Solar ventilator works effectively at extracting heat from your home, work environment or wherever excessive heat can be a problem. With solar energy, you can reduce operating costs for your home air conditioning whilst still enjoying the use of an effective solar cooling system.
Runs directly from its own 20-watt solar panel, or you can run it at night from a 240v power pack, or a 24-volt battery pack.
Gable Fan Specifications:
Airflow rate: up to 1649 cfm Ventilates area up to 2000 sqft
Aluminium body - Size 580 x 580 mm
20 watt polycrystalline solar panel matched to the motor voltage
Powerful brushless 24v DC motor for long life
4 blade nylon 12" fan
Quiet operation - less than 54 dB
Warranty: 3 years
Sub Floor Ventilation
A simple solar fan unit can be used to resolve Sub Floor dampness issues. Because the fan provides fresh, warmer air when blown into damp subfloor areas, it evaporates moisture and ventilates the subfloor, eliminating damp problems.

The fan unit can be inline or wall-mounted so the ducting from the fan is short and minimizes loss. The 150mm diameter fan used for Sub Floor Ventilation only requires a 150mm wall penetration hole and a 40-watt solar panel.
Using a fan to ventilate a Sub Floor area can prevent or improve any of the following issues:
• Mould
• Rotting floorboards & stumps
• Damage to internal walls & paintwork.
• Crumbling brickwork
• A breeding ground for termites, white ants & borers.
Call us now for assistance to solve your heat problem